Sandra Halling, The Data Mavens founder and principal consultant.

Photo credit: Sarah Zollo.

I partner with AEC  & Professional Service Firms to streamline their marketing & sales process without the hassle of long or complex systems implementation projects.

CRM  •  Sales Pipeline  •  Touchpoint Tracking  •  Email Marketing  •  Content & Knowledge Management  •  Proposals & SF-330s  •  KPIs/OKRs  •  Executive Dashboards  •  Workflows & Automations

What if you weren't frustrated with your team and tech stack every damn day?

You deserve actionable insights that make your life easier – not just work-life, your whole life.

Welcome to Systems That Don't Suck™.

Better systems means more profit.

More profit means more time.

And I mean time for the things you actually care about!

(Like your family, fur babies, and future vacations.)

Because when your systems are smooth, everything is better.

I've managed implementation projects over half million in consulting fee, consulting teams of five, project teams of 100+, for firms with 1000+ FTEs.

Creating systems and organizing information has been the central theme to my career.

I have 20 years of experience doing systems implementations for businesses ranging from startups to firms grossing $100M+.

The word 'systems' is rather broad, so let's get on the same page about what I mean.

When I say 'systems' I am including...

  • Vision: Determining direction & setting goals
  • Strategy:  Evaluating your progress & making decisions about what, when, and why
  • Planning: Resource allocation, process refinements, project management
  • Marketing: Proposals, content, email marketing, social media, digital assets
  • Sales: Pipeline, touch points, backlog, projections
  • Fulfillment: Client success, onboarding/off-boarding, resources, quality control
  • HR: Talent acquisition and performance reviews (individual + 360º)
  • Tech & Automations: The applications and workflows that integrate these peices

Plus, the culture and environment you are creating with the above choices and how that impacts your team, their buy-in, morale, and thus your results.

Where these elements are connected and work together smoothly, they can make you efficient and effective – allowing you to be exceptionally profitable and serve your clients well.

(And yes, accounting & finance should be on that list too, of course – but that's not really my wheelhouse other than tracking certain metrics as KPIs.)

Some people love process, tech & systems.

Most don't.

Most people are interested in doing the thing they're good at, not in systems just for the sake of systems.

If it's not immediately easier, faster, or clearly better – learning something new slows them down and feels arduous.

If you're not giving your team adequate training and support for your systems, then you're not getting the leverage or ROI you ought to be seeing.

And that's assuming they're using the system at all – it's common for individual contributors to keep their own records, which leads to gaps in information, poor communication, and missed opportunities.

Then you've got legacy knowledge walking out the door regularly too.

I don't want that for you.

now for the hard question

Are you ready for things to change?

Because the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.
The second best is right now.

If you're unsure about the answer to that, I invite you to book a Business & Systems Analysis with me.

Step 1 is to figure out what's working, what's not, and what the gaps might be costing you.

Together we can create clarity on what area or aspect of your operations needs the most attention right now – and if it really is a 'right now' kind of problem to solve.

Learn More About The Business & Systems Audit